

A life of prayer creates room within us for the gifts of the spirit – simplicity, hospitality and love of the world – to grow in us.

Four of Rivendell's sacred spaces are located on Bowen Island near Vancouver and one space is located in the heart of Vancouver's downtown eastside. Rivendell is a non-profit society, hosted by a volunteer Christian community, rooted in the gospel values of Jesus and the practiced traditions of prayer, silence, simplicity and hospitality. Rivendell offers a welcome to small groups and individuals on any spritiual path who are seeking spiritual renewal, respite and growth, and is accessible to people with limited resources and special needs.

We are Thrilled to present Kathi Bentall and Margaret Mcavity’s new book: Wings of the Wild Bird

To order please head to: Wings of the Wild Bird order website


Updates and information regarding COVID-19 guidelines at Rivendell Retreat Centre.

Rivendell’s Contemplative Community

The Rivendell Community is structured in a way that allows people to participate in the life of the contemplative community in a variety of ways. 


The story of how Rivendell Retreat came to be begins with a mystery. It is the mystery of countercultural generosity: a family who had received a long-awaited inheritance considering how to give it away, and a developer who donates six and a half acres of prime real estate to people he barely knows.


The Board of Directors of the Rivendell Society has endorsed the principles and policies which inform the manner of Rivendell’s retreat life. The Rivendell Community, appointed by the society’s Board of Directors to steward its life, is a Christian community, rooted in the gospel values of prayer, silence, simplicity and hospitality.